Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm stressing over books...

Lately I've been in kind of a funk. I don't know if I got depressed or what. Theres definitely something wrong but oh well I feel better.So better I wanted to go on a date with my boyfriend :) He even brought me flowers!

I really needed this. He took me to olive garden and it was perfect because we were starving! After that he took me to Barnes and Nobles to look at books because I've been stressing out on what to read after I finish the book I'm reading now. Yeah I know who stresses out about books? I think I can stress out about anything.

I'm in a weird stage. I loved reading teen books but now all the characters are younger than me or still in high school and I just cant do it lol. I've been use to reading teen stuff so I don't even know what kind of books to read as an adult. I tried reading romance novels and I like them. Sometimes they go way into detail though and I feel like a pervert, also almost every romance novel is about vampires... I'm so DONE with vampires. Any ideas of what kind of books I might like? or any good books I should check out?
Thanks :)
Anyways great date night and as always Brian got me out of that weird funk I was in.


  1. There are so many awesome books! Um... If you like romance, Gypsy by Lesley Pearce is really good.

  2. Thank you!
    I know I'm just so picky for some reason lol


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