Monday, December 5, 2011

Dun Dun Dun.

Background information.
I dated Jacob my junior year of high school. It was a great relationship we never fought and it was always an exciting time with him. He was just one of those people that could always make you laugh. We that year Christmas break I went to spend Christmas with my father so I left for about a week. Jacob cheated on me while i was gone and I was devastated. I got so upset my aunt wanted to take me to the hospital because I started hyperventilating. I have never been hurt before. For months and months after that I would still dream of him every night. I would think of him quite often and would always wonder about him. Because I could never stop thinking of him, I honestly believe he was my first real love. That was the first time a screwed me over. A year after that so last summer I think. He started talking to me again. You know how it is of course I got excited I was cautious but I was also dumb. I gave him a shot. I agreed to hang out with him and catch up. Turns out I wasn't the only girl he was talking to at the time. I wen to his place when he told me too and his roommates told me he was with this other girl. Once again I dropped him like nothing but it till hurt. I got back to the mind thinking there could be an us again. I know dumb me.

Well guess who called last night after years. Yup you got it Jacob.
I was shocked but I was curious. He told me he missed me and that he still loves me. That the past 2 years hes been miserable because I wasn't in his life. He told me he was dumb and an asshole for everything he's ever done to me and how I was the best thing that ever happened to him and he just treated me like shit. I'm using his exact words he was very very very vulgar.Can you imagine how I felt? I felt powerful, I let that boy screw me over twice and I have never been hurt before like that, and i got an apology. He told me when he goes on my facebook he sees Brians arm around me and it makes him sick. Which is funny because hes not my friend on facebook so that means hes looking me up. This whole time I thought he must have done better than me. To find out he never could that after 2 years and he's realized it, I feel pretty darn good. He called me a good 18 times because he would get mad at how happy I am with Brian and hang up. It was a strange night. A lot of good came out of it. I feel better about everything. Maybe now I can let him go completely. It also showed me how great I have it with the man that I'm with now. The one that wont hurt me and cherishes me.


  1. Good for you not letting him back in. Obviously he can't handle something steady

  2. So true Rachael - He sounds a lot like my dad- he's addicted to drama, and he makes it without realizing it

  3. Well if he came back into your life and you finally can let go of him, there is the reason why it happened :)


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