Saturday, November 5, 2011

My yummy pot roast!

I wish I took a picture even though that might be weird for someone to see my blog and all you see is a huge pot roast. Anyways it turned out really good. I'm excited I told Brian there might be hope for me being a good wife! I'm in my I really want to learn how to cook phase and for once everything I've made has turned out good. So far its been tortilla soup (yummmm) and this pot roast I also made arroz con leche the other day and it was great but that's cheating because I've made it before. One of Brains friends (he's actually from Mexico so he can cook good) said that if I'm not cooking by now that I'm never going to start. Maybe theres hope for me yet!

I miss Brian a lot I've been so busy with school that we really don't see each other during the week anymore so now that he's gone for the whole weekend it kind of sucks. At least he's safe and coming back tomorrow.

Today I went shopping. I love TJ max I'm not even going to lie. I always find some great stuff for great prices. I got a lot of shirts/sweaters for winter and some really cute heels. We went to eat at souper salads which was great finally something healthy. Then we took my mom to the bead store to get her fix. The bead store is in this little town that's basically one main street. It's so cute and the first weekend of every month they have an area where a bunch of vendors get together. I love that type of thing because you never know what you are going to find. I bought Brian a really nice picture that was in a homemade frame. It was country and would really fit his personality. I'm excited to give it so him. Today was really great just so relaxing. Now I'm all snuggled up watching movies.

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