Friday, October 28, 2011

Study Group

You know the problems with study groups. Having to make plans with a lot of people to hopefully meet at one place at the exact same time. I feel like I'm the coordinator because everyone gave me their numbers. So I texted everyone yesterday about meeting up today at thee at Hastings to study together. On Wednesday this was the best idea to them ever now no one has even texted me back... I'm kind of mad because I really need it but they do too I've seen their test scores. I'm actually considering dropping this class, because I just see no way of me passing. I have not passed one test yet and I don't want my GPA to go down because of one stupid HARD class.  I don't know what I'm going to do but I think I've come up with some good ideas to study just for my self. is basically online note cards, you fill them out. It helps you memorize things because it makes games out of things and stuff. It helped me out a lot in my phlebotomy class so maybe it will work for biology too. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the studies. Maybe you can find a forum on phlebotomy. Not sure about that, but it don't hurt to google it.


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